Growing Your Digital Maturity

What Is Digital Maturity?

Digital Maturity is a business’s ability to move away from old ways of thinking and adapt quickly to new technologies and trends. To gain a competitive edge, these new capabilities and consumer interests must quickly create value.


Boosting your digital maturity can be as straightforward as adopting e-commerce tools, revitalising your website, automating customer management through responsive systems, enhancing workflows, leveraging data for informed decision-making, or effectively integrating social media to enhance your digital presence. Increasing your digital maturity requires investment in ideas, people, processes, and technology. 

Why Does Digital Maturity Matter?

Simply put, Digital maturity is the key to unlocking your business‘s full potential.

It helps activate and boost innovation, efficiency, customer experience, talent retention, governance, profitability, revenue options, competition, and differentiation. Improving your digital maturity sets you on the course towards real digital transformation, empowering you to thrive in the swiftly evolving and fiercely competitive digital landscape we find ourselves, today.

Failing to keep pace with digital trends will only lead you to fall further and further behind. 

Digital maturity and business initiatives such as revenue growth plans, customer engagement, acquisition & retention strategies, and workflow improvement take time, resources and budget. 


Many of these business initiatives fail because businesses focus on a specific technology before integrating the change into their overall strategy and business. And, digital initiatives shouldn’t be taken in isolation. All the pieces of your digital infrastructure puzzle, such as your digital presence, CRM, data, website development, SEO and social media, must work together. 


Businesses often experiment with individual digital solutions (whether it be paid ads, socials, or a “bells and whistles” CRM) and end up feeling overwhelmed, disappointed or worse, ripped off! With so many choices available, discovering the right fit for your business can be a daunting task. 

“What is clear is businesses attempting to progress without a clear plan or the right resources are frequently disappointed. Planning creates a clear pathway to future success.”

Ask yourself : What are your business goals? How will you gain a competitive edge? How are you advancing your digital, business, and marketing maturity across all your business dimensions – Customers, People, Processes, Technology, and Ideas? 

Not sure what your digital maturity is currently at?
– take our (deliberately low tech) digital maturity quiz to find out.

Dovetail Digital's Approach

Our approach provides a comprehensive view of all your business’s capabilities, allowing you to prioritise focus areas based on your desired outcomes.

Our focus will always be driven by your business priorities as well as your current digital maturity. Whether it’s website design & development, CRM, process automation, getting more from your data, SEO or perhaps designing and building out your own bespoke cloud-based software, we will help you get there with an uncomplicated and results-driven approach. We start by providing you with a fully actionable roadmap to help you along your digital journey.

Our Approach Helps You…




Factors Impacting Your Digital Maturity…

Successful Digital Maturity Needs...




Reflect On Your Current Digital Maturity - Ask Yourself...

  1. Where are you in your digital journey?
  2. What is the current state of your digital awareness? How do you handle new ideas?
  3. How is your workplace culture?
  4. Do you have the right skills and resources? Are you equipped?
  5. Is your business customer-focused? What’s your customer’s experience like?
  6. Has your business integrated cloud and digital technology into all its processes?

What are your Digital Maturity Challenges?

Consider this:

>70% of digital transformation and strategic projects don’t succeed due to a failure to plan and execute!

Your Success Depends On...

Understanding your market-

Segment, map the value chains and understand which areas are truly profitable.

Being specific –

Break the strategy into a series of initiatives and be clear on who is responsible for delivery.

Expert help – a big shortcut –

Consider outside help/outsourcing at least initially, as experienced operators will provide better value. It’s not just big business who can achieve digital maturity success

How Can Dovetail Digital Help?

Curious as to how you can take control of your digital maturity journey? Start with our Digital Maturity Assessment. Our assessment helps you (and us) gain valuable insights into your business’s strengths, weaknesses, and untapped potential across the core operational aspects of Ideas, People, Processes, and Technology and enables a Pathway to your success.


If you choose dovetail digital to help execute our recommendations, your upfront investment in the DMA will be credited back toward your initial digital projects. Nothing to lose, everything to gain!