Seven “Silver Bullets” to a Better Digital Presence

Seven “Silver Bullets” to a Better Digital Presence

Disclaimer: The following post is intended to poke a little bit of fun at an industry we are passionate about. We want our client’s to be better prepared for the ever-changing digital environment and learn to lean into their unavoidable digital future. Only the bits where it states actual advice should be taken as actual advicethe rest is just a bit of fun & nonsense…
So, you want a better digital presence? Congratulations, you’ve joined the ranks of every other small business owner on the planet. But before I start, let’s get one thing straight: there’s no magic wand, no secret sauce, and definitely no “silver bullet” to digital success. If there was, we’d all be sipping pina coladas on our own private island, wouldn’t we? Instead, let’s talk about the real work involved in building a decent digital footprint. You know, the stuff that doesn’t involve unicorns and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow…

Step 1: Redesign Your Website – Every Week…

We all know that a fresh coat of paint and some new furniture does wonders for a house. So, why not apply the same logic to your website? A weekly redesign will keep your customers on their toes and ensure they never get bored. Just be prepared to explain to your designer why you want to change the font colour again.
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Actual Advice: Ok, so maybe not every week but I certainly suggest that you keep your website fresh and appealing with an eye on a redesign every 2 years…

Check out this previous blog So, you have a (new) website! What’s next? (June 2023).

Step 2: Master the Art of the Web Form

Your website visitors are a captive audience. So, why not take advantage of that by bombarding them with endless web forms? Ask for their life story, their shoe size, and their favourite colour. The more information you collect, the better, right?

Actual Advice: Ok, so maybe don’t collect their life story but collecting the right information helps you make better business decisions, improves personalisation and can reduce internal workflow…remember sh*t in, sh*t out…

I wrote The importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Structure back in October 2023. You may find it useful.

Step 3: Social Media: The Real Never-Ending Saga

Everyone’s on social media, so you should be too. Right? Post something every five minutes. Use every hashtag under the sun. Engage with every comment, even the ones about your terrible customer service. And don’t forget to schedule those posts a year in advance – you never know when you might need a break.

Actual Advice: Ok, so maybe don’t post every 5 minutes but planning ahead will certainly help build your online digital presence but over doing it can work the opposite. The key is to plan first. Hootsuite says at least 3 times per week…. We think at least 1 or 2 times per week to get things started will certainly help!

Step 4: Data, Data Everywhere

Data is the new oil, right? So, collect it all. Every click, every scroll, every abandoned cart. The more data you have, the more you can overanalyse it. Just make sure you have a team of data scientists on standby to decipher it all.

Actual Advice: Ok, you may think data is the never ending story of being the silver bullet to all our challenges and I tend to agree with you. But, the truth of the matter is that the data you collect and its quality is a key ingredient to driving better business outcomes. This doesn’t mean you have to collect all of it but as I mentioned earlier collecting the right information can help you make better decisions. Having a strategy first helps you determine the kind of data you have and need to achieve it.

I wrote Demystifying Data Segmentation: How SMBs Can Divide and Conquer Their Ideal Audience in October 2023 as a means to simplifying what can be quite an overwhelming subject…

Step 5: CRM: Your New Best Friend and Because Spreadsheets Aren’t Cool Enough

A CRM is like a digital Rolodex, but with way more bells and whistles. Fill it with every single detail about your customers. Their birthdays, their favourite pet’s name, their grandma’s recipe for apple pie. The more you know, the more personalised your pitches can be.

Actual Advice: Ok, the Rolodex was ahead of it’s time but so were carrier pigeons…and a lot has changed since 1987 & 1941 respectively. There is zero need to capture a recipe for apple pie in your CRM but capturing a mix of business critical and personalised information can help provide a better experience in the future for your client and your business.

Not sure what a CRM is or how it might help your business? Check out Unlocking Growth: How a CRM Can Revolutionise Your Business!

Step 6: Data Accessibility: Who Needs It Anyway?

Data Accessibility? That’s for other people to worry about.

Actual Advice: Well…not really. When you’re an SMB you generally have limited resources and having easy access to information / data is crucial to making decisions (see Step 3 & 4). Don’t feel it’s that important? Think again…take a read of this article by > Click to read

Step 7: Train Your Staff to Be Digital Wizards

Your employees are the face of your business, so make sure they’re up-to-date on all the latest digital trends. Teach them how to code, design graphics, and perform brain surgery. Just kidding about the brain surgery. Maybe…
Stressed Digital Wizards

Actual Advice: The reality is that it’s impossible to expect your employees to be across all facets of digital. Ask yourself if you could be? Being a “jack of all trades” and master of none will only get your business so far. Be comfortable leaning in to trusted partners, the ones that have your back when you don’t have the time, skill or energy to get it done. You can’t be expected to know everything about your business and be a digital expert at the same time.

Here’s an article we wrote back in August  > Unleashing the Power of dovetail digital: Challenges facing Small to Mid-Sized and how dovetail digital can help.

Remember, building a strong digital presence is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s about consistency, patience, and a willingness to PlanLean Into It, appreciate that It Can Be Hard Work and that there is No Need To Go It Alone and remember that our business, Dovetail Digital, is there to Get It Done!

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